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At the end of the day, it's all about reputation

Posted by Mark Nardone on May 12, 2011 11:58:09 AM

Today, the public relations industry is making news headlines, and not in a good way. The biggest names- Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fortune, bloggers and the Twittersphere- are all talking. Not for our hard work and dedication to our profession in securing clients the coverage they deserve, but in another way. The news in the latest Google vs. Facebook saga involves our profession and our reputation as an industry. The Daily Beast and USA Today, broke the news that unmasked Facebook for hiring a global public relations company to launch an anti-Google smear attack. The plan was exposed and all players involved are now in the headlines.

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Topics: PAN Communications, Facebook, journalists, clients, PR, Public Relations, brand reputation, Google, ethics, news coverage

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