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Skimming, Sharing, and Engaging: Prove the Value of your Content

Posted by Mark Nardone on Mar 24, 2014 9:59:27 AM

I recently read an article that brings into question the value of the number of “shares” that content has. The premise is that content “shares” are a dubious method of measuring the quality and stickiness of your content, and that they may not have the desired result of driving eyeballs to your brand and revenue to your business.

In the day and age of information overload, audiences (or your customers) are still seeking the magic content carpet ride. Companies continue to maneuver around (or with) their loyal following to build a stronger equity position with their products, services and brand. Imagine being engaged with the perfect content – a road map that guides your pathway to purchase. Insightful, targeted, educational and ultimately transactional content that signals the “aha” moment for your brand. While true “shares” alone may not be a comprehensive benchmark to measure your content, the number of shares becomes ONE important facet for marketers to continue measuring the success of their brand’s equity and overall content.

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Topics: PAN Communications, content creation, Content Shares, content, content marketing, mark nardone

Stop and smell the content.

Posted by Mark Nardone on Aug 29, 2012 12:30:54 PM

Today, more than ever, content is king. We are constantly bombarded with news and updates whether it’s on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, mobile apps or even one of our favorite news outlets. We, at PAN Communications, wanted to know more about these content-related trends, so we recently conducted a brief survey where we posed a series of content-related questions to a group of very qualified and knowledgeable marketers.

The survey reveals some incredibly compelling points about today’s “contentarians” and how the evolving media landscape shapes our news consumption habits. Because of this, marketers have also made it a priority to incorporate more digital elements into their campaigns, which in turn, has also forced them to re-evaluate their organizations measurement strategies and tactics. You can read my post which was published on the MarketingProfs website:

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Topics: Facebook, PR, social media, media, survey, PAN, communications, Twitter, blogs, content, mark nardone

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