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prSPEAK | Working Mother

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The Best Career(s) a Girl Could Ask For

Posted by Lisen Syp on May 9, 2014 6:10:01 AM

PR- the fast paced, super-glam, champagne and VIP party filled career choice that every glossy haired college freshman dreams of…where editors love hearing from you, free clothes and loot are a daily perk, and Vogue photo shoots and back stage passes are a typical event…. CUT, TAKE 2!

Ok, so public relations is a pretty serious career choice, certainly, not exactly the sexy environment that Hollywood has us believe. Fast paced? Absolutely. But the champagne and VIP party are more likely to come the day we retire and until then, we are analyzing, researching, strategizing, pitching and then doing it all again, tirelessly, celebrating successes because they are just as elusive as they are sweet. Those of us who work in PR recognize each other within a moment- and the incredibly hard work it takes to keep our clients happy.

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Topics: Mother's Day, Public Relations, working moms, Working Mother

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