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PR is Becoming More Than Just Savvy PR Pros

Posted by Phil Nardone on Dec 3, 2014 6:07:52 AM

As any PR professional knows, prediction pieces are all the rage this time of year. Executives, industry experts and analysts are all reflecting on the past year and hypothesizing about what is ahead. The year’s biggest trends, the ones that fell by the way side and what will be the next big thing are all popular discussion points. The PR industry is no exception of the prediction piece. Similar to other industries, these insights help us PR folks identify what was considered a success and understand how the industry is doing as a whole. Last week, The Council of Public Relations released survey results that touched upon everything from the overall state of the PR industry in 2014 to the biggest opportunities and challenges that we will encounter in 2015. As I noted earlier this month in my video recap of PAN’s activity in Q3 – 2014 has been and continues to be a phenomenal year for PAN Communications. As excited as I am about the record year PAN is having, it made me happy to see that other PR agencies are experiencing the same sort of success. According to the results, 2014 will be another positive gain for the PR industry with the majority of PR Council firms stating that they are on their way to another year of revenue growth. Nearly two-thirds of participating firms (65 percent) are reporting that their top line is up, with the average growth for 2014 projected among all participating firms around 6 percent. The survey also identified five areas that will provide the biggest growth opportunities with clients in 2015. After reading through these five areas, it’s clear that a shift is coming for the PR industry. Here are the five areas that will provide the biggest growth opportunities in 2015:

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Topics: CMO, PR, growth, creative, Marketing, Digital, content, integrated, Council of PR Firms, PR Agency, crisis

How millennials are making organizations more transparent

Posted by Phil Nardone on Sep 25, 2014 7:39:46 AM

As a manager, you must understand your workforce and what motivates and inspires them.

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Topics: volunteer, PAN Communications, gen-X, Gen Z, millenials, Oxford Economics, Transparency, Baby Boomers, Council of PR Firms, SAP

Want a future in public relations? Look to healthcare

Posted by Kim Baker on Sep 17, 2014 7:33:26 AM

I love healthcare public relations. Representing companies in healthcare and life sciences appeals to my personal desire to give back, or make something of a positive impact on the world.

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Topics: healthcare communciations, healthcare, pharma, healthcare PR, Council of PR Firms

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