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Fueling Your Personal Brand

Posted by Marki Conway on Mar 30, 2011 10:14:05 AM

The first time Dave McGillivray ran the Boston Marathon, he couldn’t finish it. He poured his heart into it, but it wasn’t in the cards that year. So he trained harder, when many would have given up on a difficult task – not Dave. Eventually, he completed the race he had worked so hard at, but he wasn’t finished yet. At age 24, in 1978, Dave made his 3,452-mile trek in 80 days, benefiting the Jimmy Fund, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Still, he wanted another challenge. So he ran the Boston Marathon, again. Doesn’t sound like a challenge after running across country, right? Well it was for Dave, because he completed the race blindfolded to see what it was like to be visually impaired.

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Topics: PR, running, Merrimack College, Boston Marathon, Dave McGillivray, personal branding

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